I was a higher level, why'd I lose in that PvP?

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Did you check how many Orochimaru Kills the enemy had? If not, that could be the reason you lost. The more Orochimaru Kills they had, the stronger they were. There are a few reasons to why they'd be stronger.

  • They have Oro Kill points to spend on the attribute system and gain attack, defense, and speed.
  • They have been playing longer, giving them a better chance to have more hitpoints or recieve weapons and armor quicker.
  • They have more Oro Kills and therefore recieve +1 attack and +1 defense for every Oro Kill more they have than you.

Your loss can be blamed also on distribution of Oro Kill points. If they put points into attack and defense related categories (such as strength or wisdom) and you put your points into forest fights, there's a high chance you will lose. The reason could also be caused by them having a higher weapon/armor than you (weapons and armor can be very important in PvP). Or the simplest reason for your loss could be blamed on pure luck. During PvP random numbers are generated based on the attack and defense of both players. They may have just gotten lucky.